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You Will Have a 90 Minute Health Consultation
That Includes a Thorough Analysis

A critical component before starting any wellness and weight loss program is to get to know you from the inside out by learning about your past and current state of wellness, lifestyle habits and any health challenges or conditions.  

Therapy Session

After discussing your health history, we conduct a thorough body composition analysis and go over your results in a way that offers a visual understanding of your current state and the health goals you should strive for.


You Will Be Doing a Life-Changing Program You Can Believe In

Before you get going, we will discuss the best possible program plan options for you to get ALL the way to your goal and set you up for long-term success. Our goal is that your custom program will empower you with the tools you need to create new emotional and nutritional patterns for you to live a healthy and energetic life. We have succeeded when your well-nourished body becomes a vehicle to live a lifestyle that is healthy and meaningful.


Programs are done in person or virtually. 

A little bit more about us...

Healthy Couple
  • You will lose weight and feel great quickly and sustainably by eating real food and taking control of your health.

  • You will get healthy and stay healthy, naturally by prioritizing your Diet, Rest, Exercise, Supplements, and Stress management (D.R.E.S.S). 

  • By utilizing both Intermittent Fasting and The Elimination Diet you will successfully lose weight, reduce inflammation, and find out what truly works for you.

  • By using the concept of “Primary Foods,” (how you nourish your soul) to promote happiness, the primary focus on food becomes secondary.

  • We incorporate Affirmations (that you choose) to help retrain your brain. Change your beliefs, change your life.

  • We teach you the importance of Mindful Eating. Eating healthy food is only half of the story. Being in an ideal state to digest and assimilate is the other half. Commit to providing yourself the gift of more time by slowing down.

  • We help you shift your embedded thoughts and behaviors to a healthier, more Positive Mindset.

  • By assessing your health history and ZYTO scan (if you come in person), we create a Customized Supplement Protocol for you to enhance your overall wellness.

  • By determining your Metabolic Type, we can give you appropriate macronutrient percentages (protein, carbs and fats) to assist with ongoing stabilization.

  • We utilize principles and strategies of the Blood Type Diet as they apply to you.

  • We assist you in finding ways for you to incorporate Self-Care on a regular basis to destress.

  • You will learn how to tune into your body with a heightened level of awareness to understand the root cause of your cravings, so you can respond to your body in a healthy way.

  • We focus on the reason why you came to us to begin with and why it is important to you. Your “why” is your core motivation because it connects you to what fires you up the most. When you don’t lose sight of your “why”, you will succeed!

  • Break the cycle of losing and regaining weight!

  • Best of all, you will look and feel great!

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